Microbial Healthcare:

Life Healing Life

LOCATION: Customs House, Brisbane, Australia.


Our inaugural meeting united specialists and specialties to drive the translation of new microbial therapies.

Don’t miss the next one!

Microbial healthcare:
life healing life.

Microbial solutions to diagnose, prevent and treat disease are transforming healthcare. New cellular therapies are being used to tackle cancer, infection, inflammation, obesity and degenerative diseases. Efficient development and delivery of new microbial healthcare, however, requires effective collaboration between complementary experts and disciplines along with the necessary support and vision from universities, government, and industry. This inaugural Microbial Healthcare Symposium provides an opportunity to bring together all of these interested parties to help drive the translation of new microbial healthcare. Please join us.

Speakers 2024

  • Professor Jeff Hasty


    Professor in the Departments of Molecular Biology and Bioengineering and Director of the Synthetic Biology Institute (UC San Diego).

    Jeff is establishing a Centre of Microbial Healthcare in Brisbane as founding director. His major scientific achievements have been in the fields of Synthetic and Systems Biology, including making biology self-evidently beautiful and useful.

  • Professor Rob Knight


    Director of the Center for Microbiome Innovation (UC San Diego), scientist and author. Rob’s work, writing and presentations have helped to explain how our microbes make us, well “us”.

  • Professor Siddhartha Mukherjee


    Member of the National Academy of Medicine, oncologist, scientist, inventor and Pulitzer-prize winning author (Columbia University). Sid’s influential TED talk reimagines healthcare as “Cells not pills”

  • Professor Rachel Allavena

    Deputy Head of The School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland, QLD, Australia.

  • Assoc. Prof. Jakob Begun

    IBD Group leader, Mater Research and University of Queensland, Qld, Australia.

  • Professor Gabrielle Belz

    Immunology, University of Queensland, QLD, Australia

  • Dr Seweryn Bialasiewicz

    Senior Research Fellow, Australian Centre for Ecogenomics, University of Queensland, QLD, Australia

  • Dr Sam Costello

    Managing director and co-founder of BiomeBank, BiomeBank, SA, Australia.

  • Dr Emily Hoedt

    Research Fellow, School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia.

  • Dr Abi Marsh

    Senior Clinical Dietitian specialising in Gastroenterology, Integrated Gut Health, QLD, Australia.

  • Professor Lars Nielsen

    Systems and Synthetic Biologist
    AIBN, University of Queensland,
    QLD, Australia.

  • Professor John Prins

    Executive director of Health Translation Queensland, QLD, Australia.

  • Assoc. Prof. Graham Radford-Smith

    Integrated Gut Health, QIMR, and Universoty of Queensland, Qld, Australia

  • Dr Erin Shanahan

    Microbiologist, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia

  • Dr Heidi Staudacher

    NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow

    Deakin University, WA, Australia.

  • Professor Nicholas Talley

    Distinguished Laureate Professor, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia.

  • Professor Gene Tyson

    Director of the QUT Centre for Microbiome research, QUT, QLD, Australia.

  • Dr Josephine Wright

    Senior Research Fellow Gut Cancer Research Group, University of Adelaide & SAHMRI, SA, Australia.

  • Alyssa Chiang

    Ph. D. candidate, UC San Diego, CA, US.

  • Dr Rebekah De Nys

    Research Fellow, University of Adelaide & SAHMRI, SA, Australia.

  • Austin Doughty

    Ph. D. candidate, UC San Diego, CA, US.

  • Shalni Kumar

    Ph. D. candidate, UC San Diego, CA, US.

  • Julia Leeflang

    Ph. D. candidate, University of Adelaide & SAHMRI, SA, Australia.

  • Katie O'Connor

    Ph. D. candidate, UC San Diego, CA, US.

  • Camilo Rey-Bedón

    Ph. D. candidate, UC San Diego, CA, US.

  • Paige Steppe

    Ph. D. candidate, UC San Diego, CA, US.

  • Joanna Zhang

    Ph. D. candidate, UC San Diego, CA, US.

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